
Call for Boycott Habesha owned business!

Boycott #1

My position is a consequence of more than 100 years of debilitating occupation, the dispossession of most Oromos, Ethiopian’s continuing atrocities, and its breaches of international law and of humanitarian standards, as well as the general discriminatory nature of its system. These practices are all well documented in reports of human rights agencies, and are starkly visible in the form of facts on the ground.

Because the facts speak for themselves, but a solution is nowhere in sight, it is time for people of conscience to take a stand and influence both public opinion and government policies. It now must be so since the world’s powers have failed to take measures that hold Ethiopia, like any other state, accountable for its abuses and force it to adhere to international standards. In the absence of any such accountability, it becomes the duty of citizens to act independently to expose and resist injustice. The boycott of Habesha businesses is a pacifist form of resistance that sends a strong message of concern over the on-going destruction of Oromo educational institutions, culture, language, economy and, in particular, helps expose to the world’s public the culpability of Ethiopia government in perpetuating illegal activities in Oromia. This boycott entails a pledge not to support or participate in any Habesha business. I believe this international boycott should be sustained until Ethiopians and Ethiopian government stop all of the above mentioned abuses in Oromia and restore the right of Oromo to self determination. Meanwhile, I encourage dialogue with Oromos in Diasporas and in Oromia who demonstrate readiness to participate in realizing these objectives.

I challenge other Oromo individuals, politicians, religious leaders, human right activist and Oromo intellectuals not to remain unmoved, or by their silence become complicit, but rather to take a stand and act in solidarity with the Oromos movement against the Ethiopian government’s political and economic war in Oromia. I urge fellow Oromos worldwide to adhere to and publicize this call to boycott any business owned by Habesha in Oromia and in any part of the world, and to affirm it as an act of conscience.

Note: pass this message by all means available to you, email, phone …

/Speak out Oromo


Anonymous said...

This is what we are needed to do. To me this is something we can accomplish easily. Think about it, most Neftegnas in Oromia are business owners. If we can not buy from them who will buy from them. They will bankrupt and go back to their home and that will discourage the other not to come.

Why someone did not think of this before. I promises to myself not to buy any product from Habesha anymore and I will pass this message for all Oromos I know.


Anonymous said...

If everyone committed to this we can drive them out of Oromia in no time.

I would like to say dito to whoever post this message. Sometime we should think outside the box. There are more than one of driving those guys weaker and weaker. We should not let just sit back like all these Oromo organization out there we no real strategy to move us forward. Can believe any of so called Oromo political Organization could not come forward with something.
I am committed and will pass along to my relative back home to do the same. I am sure this will catch like a wild fire in no time.


Anonymous said...

well said bro/sis, if there is unity there won't be anything we can't do.

Anonymous said...

Haylom Mr. Ass hole. I know you wrote the above comment with your ass. Did you wiped it before you did that? Just checking :(


Anonymous said...

haylom gimatam Nefitegna, you should quite hanging around segera all a time. I know it will make you high but it is not good for your health. The nice thing about you is while you are segera surfing I was doing your wife ass. Ooooooooh men she has such a tight one and I love when she bellow my big Galla dick. Haaaaaaaaa haa ha.


Anonymous said...

Haylom, your pets are growing. They are growing very big. Didn't your wife told you about it. I am sure she is enjoying grown up pets as we speak. He heeeeeeee.


Anonymous said...

You said it absolutly right haylom. "U galas are even beter than some of the human beings. That is tha fact". It is a fact that we are better than you neftegnas. Like Ali said your wife or girl friend admitted that. We do things better than you neftegnas. Does not matter if it is your bedroom or in the goverment. That is why you guys like us.


Anonymous said...

"It is a sin to kill, even if it is a gala"
Haylom you are just repeating your qomta master word. You know why he said that. Because we were kicking his ass in a battle field. The only way he be able to take our country is by collaborating with Gobban. You guys can not do shit by yourself. Dummies ....


Anonymous said...

Haylom, you are one of the majority neftegna who has been frustrated by the progress Oromos are making. We will be taking our country back regardless of what you are thinking of us. We should not even response to morons like you. It just a waste of time.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Haylom asshole,

"yegala zimb" is grow up drinking milk not blood from your "komta" finger. That is why it is growing so big. Have you checked your fingers today? Are they still there? I was also wondering why you are getting shorter everday. Are you losing bons?


Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuuuuude, do you have any idea how you neftegnas got rich in Oromia. You being selling your ass and trash products. Once you will we will stop buying that you will starve to death and we will burn your dead body and send your ash back to Gojem and Tigray.

Motii Oromia

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!

U know u r not after the cheap politics run by the woyanes! We will grow in a big country as wide as the previous Ethiopia. I am from Oromo ancestors but would like to have bogger country not confined as being Oromia. We work for greater Ethiopia than the woyanes. Gadissa, USA

Anonymous said...

I mean bigger, stronger, fairer Ethiopia.

Gadissa, USA

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with starting with Oromia and building bigger Ethiopia. Should we recognize first Oromos entity then work with other Ethiopians. Why we should be treated as a second class citizen in our own country? I don't think if you are real Oromo you would say that Gadissa. There is nothing wrong with having big one country. It is good for the economy and we will have strong presence in the region. The question is why only Oromo should have to pay for it. Why not other ethenic groups. Why actually only Ahmahar and Ahmahars language would representative of Ethiopia? "Gadissa" (I put your name in qoute as I have doubt that you are OROMO) accept yourself as you are first and then the rest will follow. Anywhere you go in the world people respect themslves will be respected by other. If you do not respect yourself no body give a damn. No other ethenic group in Ethiopia would want to build stronger Ethiopia with you. Because any strong country can be strong as the weekest person in that country. That mean it is logically impossible to build one strong Ethiopia with a jelly fish like you. Get yourself some steriod dude!


Anonymous said...

Dear Bossana,

The very fact that I am "a real" oromo or not will never be determined by your consent and I am happy it is like this? Who do u think u r to accept or reject some one's "being oromo" or not? Yes the Amharas and Tigres have commited deadly deeds. Yet should we learn from their evils or should we teach them the right path? If u r pushing yourself from the whole country, then they were correct. We oromos are "narrow minded". I for sure am not. I wanna leave a bigger and richer country for my lovely children. And that is Ethiopia!!! Leave alone mine, u cant even prohibit the land to my children, who have never seen it so far. Yet they r always longing for it. I dont need to be a narrow minded rigid person for my Oromo rutes to be acknowledged. I love Ethiopia, i will go for it. Who reserved Ethiopia for Amaras and Tigres? Only you accepted. Only in your mind that we and our children are not worth and do not deserve a country as big as Ethiopia. only because if it is going to be Ethiopia, then it will be led by the amharas coz, we are not capable! Who declared an oromo is not capable of ruling ethiopia? The Amharas declared and u accepted. No we love Ethiopia and we are not afraid that we may not be able to be amoung the leaders of Ethiopia. My children are capable. U are frustrated, I and my children are not. U r insulting yourself more than the amharas are doing to us. We are Capable.

Anonymous said...

Gadissa, you are missing the point. Why it is okay to be a second class citizen in your own country? Do you reality want your kids to be treated that why. It doesn't matter if you are Oromo or not, but go anywhere in the world and tell me if you meet someone would like to be a second class citizen in his own country. We even demand equal treatment in the country that gives us citizenship by naturalization process. Why are you so objected to the idea of me raising this question in my homeland? Why it is okay for tens of thousands of Oromos being arrested, tortured and put to death for just expressing their opinion? Do you want to preserve this kind of system for your kids? Or do you just want your kids to hide they are an Oromo, as you are doing now?

Off course I am frustrated. I have all the right to be frustrated. What are we stand to benefit from current form of Ethiopia? If you are talking about ruling Ethiopia, it all along done by Oromo intellectuals. We are the most educated people of that country. I do not have a doubt Oromo capability of leading or ruling Ethiopia. In order to do that though you will need to stand up strong in Oromia first. Just go back and look at the history of that country and people whom ruled it. They always have a strong backing of their people. That is in exception of Mengistu.

Gaissa, try looking Oromo issue from Oromos prospective not from Ethiopia.

So Long

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just say Gala insted of Oromia gala fits you better.
"Gala Defined

Anonymous said...

Ethiopia 4 ever.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bonsaa

U are proving to yourselves that all u need is retreate back to the jungle instead of the bigger country. U know if it is a country then u r out of the picture. all u can administer is a small tract of land. What a pity. Stil u complain that some one else is belittling u. While u r confirming it? why do u think that tha amharas always say Ethiopia and u only Orormia? why??? Coz, u lack good deal of confidence. Honor is earned, not claimed!!! Go for Ethiopia, struggle and Earn honor. Dont just cry for a small tract of land. U wanna have an other Eritrea? what is in there? They are still not independent! What do you learn from that? whether it is your own tribe or not, it is still operation. A nation is not about land and physical resources, it is all about people. Instead please, please, build your confidence and make sure than even if it is ethiopia, u can still rule if u have the nmerit. U thing that we in the usa are free citizns? no way! there is always the glass ceiling. Yet we never stop striving even if it takes as double or triple than that of our white counterpart. That is it! The same applies with Ethiopia.

One of my children aspires and is striving to be the Prime minister of Ethiopia, and no one can stand on her way. Not u and your likes who have convinced yourselves long ago to the contrary.


Anonymous said...

Gadissa, I am not sure what you had for break fast or what you have someked after it. If you do not have base your are like someone living or the air or water. "Ye woha lie kubet" is your position buddy. Why you are so opposing about having Oromia. Have you seen any Amharas opposing to have Amhara killil or Any Tigree opposing to having and building Tigray. I do not think so. They clam to be Ethiopian but they divert all the resource to their country.

Anonymous said...

Dear Compatriots,

Let me get it crystal clear.

Are u saying that secession of Oromiya from the rest of Ethiopia is the only way out?


Anonymous said...

Not at all, and by the same token, staying with Ethiopia as it is not also a solution. I am just not comfortable with your idea that the Oromo issue will be resolved by just staying in current Ethiopia political structure. Much power concentrated in the hand of federal government. In this current configuration Oromos are stand to lose more than any other ethnic group living in that county.

Anonymous said...

So u r claiming a more independent Federalism, like that of Germany, USA....


Anonymous said...


That could be one solution ...

Anonymous said...

Haylom, you can come to bed now! I am done with your wife. Ha ha haaaa


Anonymous said...


I dont think that can be a solution. Coz, who do you think Junedi Sado amd all his accomplices are? Are they not Oromo's? and at the same time the right hand for the woyanes? do u think the woyanes could do what they are doing to us with out the passionate assistance of the Oromos? Still Oromos are also the main part of the supression. That means even if the so called Oromiya state could be independent, it could still be the same!

Anonymous said...

What should we do? Should we just sit back and watch? What do you suggest? We should not just jump in and criticizing someone idea if you do not have an alternative solution. This is a problem for all Oromos live in state of Oromia and abroad. I am not feeling comfortable for some of us to just bluntly oppose other fellow Oromos suggestion without having to follow up with alternative.

Anonymous said...


I hope you read this news :(


Haylom, if you do not shut your mouth you are next :)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Haylom Neftegnaaaaaaaaaa,

We will be continuing discussing issues matter to Oromos in all Oromo forums. Asses like you might think talking our issue might be insulting ourselves. The truth is if you like it or not, this will not stop. We Oromos are way ahead of Neftegnas silly tactics.

We do not want any of you meddling in our issues any more. We know that Oromos liberty means Neftegnas lose, but go talk about it on your useless forum.


Anonymous said...

Go to the Amharas and ask a kid what he would like to be when he is a grown up.

He will reply, "pilot, doctor, ..."

Take the same question to an Oromo kid,
He will reply, "Amhara"

Please be like your kid!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Exactly, the oromo kid would say "Amhara" coz he is fed up with the bigger animals.

Thanks Dud.


Anonymous said...


whatelse do u expect from a wild animal?

Thanks for confirming the fact that Gala is wild animal living in africa

Anonymous said...

I never heard any kids says he wants to be "Komata" That is Christian name for Amahara. He he he heeeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Helloooooo Neftegnas! why don't you go find your own website to vandalize? No one needs you around here! Is that hard to notice?

Anonymous said...

You guys don't do any shit anyways. With out Oromo you can build your own house. You all are "Lemagne". We know that it is your caluture. You do not have hand and legs to move around. You all are "komatas". You just need us to survive from A-Z. Without Oromos you guys are hopeless. Beggers always need us. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't except any other response from PARASITE like you Komata. You guys are like your flys, bloodsucker.

P.S. neftegna, your wife also appricate that I take care of her in a bed. You forgot to mention that. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

neftegna, is that what your wife dream?

Anonymous said...

AMHAR written in full/defined:



Anonymous said...

AMHAR written in full/defined:

