
Wayane will continue to kill as long as it mean remaining on power

This long adapted tactic manipulated by Wayane it seems working so far. The recent bombing in Finfine is a prim example of Wayane's ill-conceived tactic to silence the oppositions. The issue also looks divisive among people of Ethiopia. Half of the Average people in Ethiopia think this crime is trurly committed by oppositions. The other half knew that this is not a work of oppositions. The situation gives Wayane a breathing room and more power to harass peaceful people regardless of their political view. Give Wayane excuse to send people to jail for no reason. Here I am not saying opposition like CUD are totally clean. This group also will not back from taking advantage of the situation.
Oromos are also blamed to be part of this crime but I highly doubt if that the case. In any case this is crime that been committed against humanity and each of us has a responsibility to expose it

Speak out Oromo!

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