
Why we Oromos don't think big?

Just looking at the day to day life of Oromo people and Oromo politician, I kind of felt that, there is something is missing. May be we are not too ambitious or we would not like to pay the price. Whatever the reason behind, we are not set out to do big thing. We are lucking in thinking big. Think about your life and left me know if this is not ture.

Speak out Oromo!


Anonymous said...

I know, my brother from another mother and father, you as most of us are frustrated with sluggish movment in the struggle of Oromo. most of the questions you raise deserve good answer but we all are left with frustration that things are getting worse. But, nothing good will come out of frustration. we must work hard to make our community stronger so that they can guide and harness the organizations that are there for ormo cause but do nothing, act otherwise or ... As you know absolute power corrupts absolutely and we did grave mistake when we granted our organizations that power. Believe me, I or my son will enjoy the pint of freedom but we must work harder than what we are doing now including you and me.

Anonymous said...

push this blog--you have lots to say--keep going

Anonymous said...

The creation of the OLF in the early 1970’s was the culmination of a long struggle against Ethiopian colonial domination. Even though the OLF has always been dismal militarily, a lot of the early leaders were true nationalists who put Oromo national interest above and beyond anything else including their own personal safety. The Oromo people accepted the OLF as a continuation of the liberation struggle being led by the late General Waqo Gutu in Bale and other pro liberation movements in Oromia.

Unlike the late General Waqo Gutu, who gave it his all, it became gradually apparent that successive OLF leaders were holding back, not willing and/or able to commit fully to the cause of liberation. There was a big disconnect between their rhetoric and their policies. Many Oromo nationalists gave these “leaders” the benefit of the doubt and kept tugging along for a long time. There were people, however, most of whom were members of the OLF, who had understood the sinister motives of their leaders from the get go. Those who spoke up were murdered when possible and systematically marginalized when not. Among those murdered were Nadhi Gammada, Jamal Robale and Baro Tumsa.

1991 and what happened thereafter were turning points in the history of the OLF that the people who were crying foul were eventually vindicated. Now some of those same “leaders” are acknowledging what we have already known for years; and that is they never meant what they had been saying and what they really believe is that there is not an Oromia or Oromo to be liberated. Hassan Hussen of the OLF actually told a gathering of Qinijit supporters a few weeks ago that there is no Oromia to be liberated. Is that not a big fat joke if it wasn’t so tragic? They told countless people to rise up and fight for their country, got thousands up on thousands murdered by successive Ethiopian regimes and now they are telling us “sorry we really did not mean that.” What I am writing used to be branded “allegation” by some people a few months ago, it is not any longer an “allegation” by OLF’s own admission. They are telling us now, in no uncertain terms, what they really meant was to use the Oromo cause as a pawn to negotiate for government posts in murderous Ethiopian regimes and hence a better life for themselves and their cronies. These people have the blood of innocent Oromos on their hands and it is our responsibility to stop them now. You can go to, click on the radio link and listen to the excerpt of Hassan Hussen’s speech to Qinijit supporters. I’m sure most Oromos will be vindicated but some of you will be shocked to hear that.

There is a big misunderstanding about OLF, ONAG with its Amharic acronyms, by non-Oromos. A lot of these people probably heard Oromos back home shout out the name “OLF” or even Mr. Meles Zenawi Marketing “ONAG” to the people (more about that in a jiffy.) What “OLF” signifies to the Oromo people is the sacrifice of true nationalists many of whom have paid the ultimate price. The Oromo people know that the Oromo liberation Front has been hijacked by a group calling itself Shanee Gumii. This is the same group that had been sabotaging the Oromo struggle for decades.

On the other hand, Mr. Meles Zenawi knows (one can argue he is even a member) that the OLF leadership is so incompetent and accusing the OLF, in public, serves his purpose in a big way. Meles’ purpose is the prevention of a lethal Oromo liberation organization from coming to pass. How did he do that? Meles figured out that the Oromo people, or at least some, would embrace any seemingly Oromo organization that he accuses, in public, of fighting his regime. By so doing Meles made some Oromos accept OLF, an organization that Meles knew was laughably incompetent and could not do any damage to his regime.

With all the odds against them, Oromo nationalists, however, are always a step ahead of Meles and his regime. Imagine, with all of the resources at his disposal and destroying Oromo nationalism and Oromo liberation movement his number one goal, Oromo liberation movement has not only survived Meles’ genocidal wars for fifteen years, it has actually emerged stronger than ever. The day will come when Meles and his criminal gangsters will be held to account for crimes against Humanity.

Just like an unfaithful wife might do once caught, the OLF leadership is now openly married to Qinijit; an organization that is adamantly opposed to the Oromo cause of national liberation. Qinijit probably thinks the OLF leadership can deliver the Oromo people to them just like OPDO delivered to Meles. Well I have got news to you; your worst fear has materialized. OLF leaders are married to you not because they can deliver the Oromo to you it is because they are running away from the Oromo. The Oromo people now have a potent organization and the liberation of Oromia is just a matter of time. And it is going to come sooner than a lot of you think, if you had the courage to even contemplate that. The OLF leadership you are counting on is inconsequential.

By the way, the marriage between Qinijit and the promiscuous OLF seems to be headed south. The OLF is now begging Kenya to reunite them with Meles. There is no telling what this group will concoct next. As the Oromo proverb goes, one can’t outrun his shadows. These people will not escape justice by running to Qinijit, Meles or anywhere else for that matter. Justice will be served to them wherever they may be.

Finally, we call upon members and OLF leaders not tainted by this scandal to rise up and take charge. We call up on you to expunge these traitors and join forces with genuine Oromo liberation movements to make the home stretch of our liberation journey as quick as possible. Our prize is within eyesight and there is no force short of an act of God that will be able to stop us; and we know God stands with those seeking what is truly theirs. Oromiyaan ni walaboomti.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bro:

Why are keeping silent? It is this what your enemy wants. Are you going to giveup? Come on! Acaalu Midhaqsaa

Abdul. said...


Yeah, why we Oromos don't think big? this is the question of most oromo youngesters. But what kind of "Big"? Most probably Liberation. But liberation in what sense? if it is in the sence of sucesion forget about it my bros.
That is not "Think big" thing, it is rather "think small" thig. Let me ask u a question, is it the bigger or the smaller part of a big component which fall apart from that big component? Obviously it is the smaller one w/c possibly fall down from the bigger component. In other words who should be succede from Ethiopia? the bigger oromia or the smaller others? Think my freind. We have to rule ethiopia for the beast interest of Oromia and the Oromos. Ruling ethiopia is bigger than ruling ormia, so that to me this is what i call "big thinking" What do u say abut it?
