
Oromo you are only responsible for your happiness!

We Oromos spent quite sometime to please other people. We in general think we have some sort of responsibility to take care of other people and other people feelings. If you see a group of 5 people sitting at the coffee shop and if one ended up being non-Oromo speaker we chose to speak with the language that person speaks. We go extra mile to accommodate that individual. We think we have some sort of responsibility for that person short coming. In contrary we are discouraging people from respecting our language and respect us. You can take an example of Neftegnas living in Oromia. They lived there for years and bother to learn our language. We spent to much time to take care of other people than focusing on doing ourselves.
Moral of the story: If you want to be respected first you will need to respect yourself and your language. Then other people we do the same. If you do not give a respect for who you are no one does. And you will spent your pathetic life as been looked down by people who don't know how to take care of their own shit. You will die unhappy! and so your kids, grand kids, ...
Speak Out Oromo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Then other people we do the same. If you do not give a respect for who you are no one does"

I fully agree with this logical and simple statement.